Friday, October 1, 2010

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following describes the effects that bullying causes continued. When cyberbullying a relatively new phenomenon, have not yet done enough research to define concretely what causes cyberbullying. While it is true that the consequences it causes is equal to or worse than bullying in person, as cyberbullying can be expanded to any area of \u200b\u200bthe life of a person, not just to work (workplace harassment), school (bullying) and family (family harassment).


According Marina Parés Soliva in "Social Expertise of Mobbing" , prolonged harassment survivors develop personality changes characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder, including strains in the ability to relate.

As post-traumatic symptoms are so persistent and so varied, may be confused with personality traits of the victim. Long after you have finished harassment, many victims are still dead feeling a part of them, and some victims, the most afflicted, would like to be dead. The threat of annihilation that defines harassment can torment the survivors long after the danger has passed. Injured people feel utterly abandoned, and lonely, exiled from the human system of care and protection.

The traumatic event it means to be a victim of harassment of the environment has destroyed the belief that the individual may be "self" in relation to others.

Traumatic events destroy the normal protection systems that give people a sense of control, connection and meaning. So traumatic reactions take place when the action is useless, ie it is not possible or resist or escape, then the system of human self feel overwhelmed and disorganized. It is in these situations when the traumatic events produce profound and lasting changes in the physiological, emotional, cognitive and memory.


According Iñaki Piñuel psychologist, one of the most characteristic effects is the change in the situation of mobbing can operate on the personality of the victims. Have described three basic patterns of permanent changes in personality, as result of a bullying situation, which has the following characteristics:

* Resignation: Voluntary social isolation, the victim does not feel part of society (alienation effect, the victim shows a cynical attitude toward the world.)
* Prevalence of obsessive traits, hostility and suspicion, chronic feeling of nervousness, hypersensitivity about injustice.
* Prevalence of depressive features: feelings of helplessness, inability to enjoy and experience pleasure, anhedonia, hopelessness learned. [9]

The social effects of bullying on the victim are characterized by the emergence of attitudes distrust and behaviors of isolation, avoidance and withdrawal. These social consequences are also evident in family relationships such as feelings of misunderstanding, loss of enthusiasm and interest in joint projects and abandonment of family commitments and responsibilities, altered affect.

What constitutes harassment destructive phenomenon is the repetition of the abuse and humiliation. Stalking is a terrifying phenomenon because it is inhuman. It knows no moods, no pity. The witnesses, vulgarity, from selfishness or fear, prefer to stay out. When an asymmetric interaction and destructive of such starts between two people, all it does is amplified gradually, unless an outside person to intervene forcefully. If at any time during the harassment a person of a certain power, it reacts in a healthy way, the process stops.

For more information:ógico
· "Mobbing, How to Survive bullying at work" and Zabala Iñaki Piñuel.


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