Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Eyebrow Waxing In Houston Tx

Musical Interlude. Back to Handel and the Messiah

some pieces of the Messiah, I remembered something I had written about music in a forum some time ago and decided, more than anything to not lose me, "put this text here. The forum is in English, and as I have no desire to translate English se queda

The Messiah has been criticized in this thread for being joyful and popular. Or at least, that such things could detract of its worth. But I do think that no sacred christian work can be really truthful to the message if they do not have those traits.

Joyful? The Messiah tell the whole story, from prophecies to birth, preaching, death and resurrection. And the resurrection is key in the end. The chief day, after all, of Easter is not Friday but Sunday. If I am not mistaken, no less an authority than Paul declared that 'If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain'. And the message and promise of resurrection is a joyful one, and it is intended to be so. And the joy of the resurrection is very clearly communicated in the Messiah (and at the same time the communicates the proper emotions to the other stages in the story).

Popular? The christian message was not intended for kings and wise men, and humble fishermen were chosen to be the apostles. It is intended to be popular, and to have a wide appeal. A sacred christian work that does not tell anything to the man on the street has failed to communicate something essention to that faith. After all, the christian message it is not one destinated to the Club of People with Refined Musical Taste. The Messiah, a work that has been apreciated from musicians (Beethoven or Haydn as it has been mentioned already) to any poor fishermen, fulfils the universality of the message quite nicely, to say the least.

In Other Words, the Characteristics of the Messiah Are The Ones That You Should expect to work from Than intends to Communicate the Christian message: To tell the awe Something about the promise of resurrection That Should Have on you, and Be Able to appeal to everyone. And so, the rambling of this particular atheist about the Messiah and how true is to the Christian message ends.


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