Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Is Brain Tissue Destroyed By A Stroke?

A useful learning concept for social analysis

Following the madness that I mentioned in a previous post (on axiomatic set theory), and having as one of the basic skills of the actors covered by this theory is that they can learn, it follows then it is necessary to develop a concept of learning. So here's the concept.

Learning: The ability of an actor to develop partnerships, all while learning is cognitive and practical elements

The definition explicitly
learning does not pose as an acquisition of associations or beliefs 'correct'. And this for the simple fact that we can not determine what knowledge is 'right': what we know at any given time can be shown to be incorrect later.

What interests us more is that makes a learner: And what does is order the world to establish partnerships: Partnerships in behavior (ie if I do X to Y) or associations between distinctions in the world (ie the objects are X and quality). This is a system because, then, anything can happen (if I do X to Y and not Z). What it does is to allow learning passing from one world and non-report one with distinction. The fact distinctions and create partnerships among these distinctions is the crucial fact of learning. Put another way, learning is a way to 'create' (find out) order from chaos.

These associations should not be thought of as clearly defined rules and that can lead to a simple formula. Rule if I do X to Y is a short form to refer to the association, but is compatible with exceptions and ambiguities. As to guide the actor in general if I do X to Y using distinctions which generally operate to define X and Y, that's enough for the actor.
Learning, in this sense has a very clear relationship with the notions of informational complexity, with the idea of \u200b\u200bKolmogorov complexity. Recall that a string of maximum complexity is one that can only be described by a string of equal length. A simple chain is one that can be described by a much smaller chain (is compressed without losing information.) Learning is precisely the discovery process in the chain of lesser extent.

There is a certain paradox in any case, above. This simplification for the actor may occur as a complication. This is because random objects in the traditional view are maximally complex, but a fully stochastic system can be described in a statistical way so limited: It can also replicate the chain, but very similar. In this sense, it is structurally complex (Crutchfield, 1994) . Adding rules, and therefore possibility of compression involves complicate this brief description. Learning, then I can go from a world without distinctions and informationally complex, but structurally simple in a world with distinction, informationally simpler but structurally more complex (ie a world whose best description is longer). Is moving from a world I can not describe in detail and just in general to a world I can describe (and act) specifically using the rules that I discover.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Church Invitation Letter Sample

Some Thoughts on the Social Order

thinking ideas in the social or societal level it wants to call a set of relationships. Do not think it's possible the 'disorder' social at lower levels (ie, you always find with social practices, networks with some kind of role), at least, because otherwise humans simply can not act, so out of necessity invent something.

But the level of society? How do they relate to each other the various practices that are operating in a particular area?

Two or more practices may conflict while still having access to resources that allow the conflict, and conflict does not affect the reproduction of practices in conflict

The idea it seems relatively clear: Any practice, since it consists of shares, requires resources. While the practice has access to these resources can continue, even when in conflict with one another. The important thing is that a practice does not affect the fact that the other practical access to these resources.

contradictory A practice can be maintained if other independent practices generate the resources required for the practice

a contradictory practice is one in which the operation is complete to prevent the operation of its requirements . This would mean you would think then, that a contradictory practice should be unstable and disappear. But actually, no, as long as the requirements of this practice are not necessarily produced by this practice: Although the practice tends to eliminate the practice while others continually produce this contradiction can continue indefinitely.

In fact, this allows us to understand some celebrity trends of the theory of Marx, that capitalism is contradictory and surpasses himself because the number of capitalists are gradually reduced (or the tendency to decrease the rate of profit). Trends are effective, and one can check that in a given market decreases the number of competitors over time. But that ignores the trend is that as other practices of capitalism can continuously generate resources 'entrepreneurs' (new markets), this trend does not produce the crisis of capitalism provided by Marx

The whole exercise practices in an area form a dynamic and open network, it has no unity

Ultimately, the practices are relatively independent. They only care about the requirements they have and produce results that are used by others, but such use is not an issue for them. Somehow the 'ecosystem' of a practice are not included all practices but only those practices that affect their requirements (and is part of the ecosystem of the practices which affect requirements).

In this sense, the whole practice does not correspond to any unit, nor has any particular coherence. The set of practices is contingent and changeable. The practices have relations with some other practices, but practices are independent: A practice X requires a recourse to and it provides a convenient Y, but if you practice and go away, practice X is not affected if you can get to from another source. While the materials have relationships with each other, and the disappearance (or appearance) of new practices can have far-reaching effects, the specific set of practices in a field exercise is contingent and other aggregates are also possible.

The importance of this last proposition is that we can deconstruct the whole issue of the order of the Parsonian tradition (which is still behind many discussions of social order). An important part of the question of order is the order and stability assumption is that the only acceptable responses are those that allow balanced orders, which have no source of instability: the question of order and stability are treated as same question (Vanderstraeten, 2002, pg. 81) . It is the basis, for example, the idea that no order can be based only on domination because solve the problem in the long term: only short-term work, but do not provide a stable base. And this idea has been applied to criticize normative explanations: The rules do not serve to explain the order as may be contradictory, and therefore unstable (Lichbach & Seligman, 2000, pg. 44).

But the real social orders are unstable and their balances are always just local : the set of operational practices is always changing. It makes no sense, then, applied as a criterion for solving the problem of order which is stable in the long term when in fact the social life is not.

This imbalance does not produce 'social disorder' simply because, as shown above, the forces that produce new practices are always at stake. To exist, no social life requires a stable and permanent solution of the order, but to go permanently solving this problem with varying solutions.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Eyebrow Waxing In Houston Tx

Musical Interlude. Back to Handel and the Messiah

some pieces of the Messiah, I remembered something I had written about music in a forum some time ago and decided, more than anything to not lose me, "put this text here. The forum is in English, and as I have no desire to translate English se queda

The Messiah has been criticized in this thread for being joyful and popular. Or at least, that such things could detract of its worth. But I do think that no sacred christian work can be really truthful to the message if they do not have those traits.

Joyful? The Messiah tell the whole story, from prophecies to birth, preaching, death and resurrection. And the resurrection is key in the end. The chief day, after all, of Easter is not Friday but Sunday. If I am not mistaken, no less an authority than Paul declared that 'If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain'. And the message and promise of resurrection is a joyful one, and it is intended to be so. And the joy of the resurrection is very clearly communicated in the Messiah (and at the same time the communicates the proper emotions to the other stages in the story).

Popular? The christian message was not intended for kings and wise men, and humble fishermen were chosen to be the apostles. It is intended to be popular, and to have a wide appeal. A sacred christian work that does not tell anything to the man on the street has failed to communicate something essention to that faith. After all, the christian message it is not one destinated to the Club of People with Refined Musical Taste. The Messiah, a work that has been apreciated from musicians (Beethoven or Haydn as it has been mentioned already) to any poor fishermen, fulfils the universality of the message quite nicely, to say the least.

In Other Words, the Characteristics of the Messiah Are The Ones That You Should expect to work from Than intends to Communicate the Christian message: To tell the awe Something about the promise of resurrection That Should Have on you, and Be Able to appeal to everyone. And so, the rambling of this particular atheist about the Messiah and how true is to the Christian message ends.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Much Money Do You Get For Trading In Games

Four Methods of Coordination

Domination: When ego threatens to alter remove control over elements to perform the requested action alter ego by
Negotiation: When alter ego has control over elements to perform the requested action alter by ego
Conversion: When ego affects alternative representations, giving reasons for making the alter ego action requested by
deconversion: When ego affects alternative representations, eliminating objections to alter perform the requested action by ego

The theory developed in this paper is based on the idea that there is no single mode of coordination, but the players have access to a variety of modalities, which will be used according to contexts and circumstances. The relevance of the above comes from many theories tend to use only one method, or recognizing the existence of more than one mode is basal to insist that a social life. On the other hand, the growing recognition that there are various forms of social interaction has been generally reduced to such recognition without the development of theories mostly showing the relationship between these modes (once elected, how they relate to each other etc. .). The intention of the theory we develop is precisely to produce a theory about the combination of these modalities.
The conditions are defined based on a distinction of control / representations. This award expands and adapts the distinction resources / Coleman interests (1990) . Control of resources spent to establish more clearly the universality of the 'resources' (which can be anything) and to emphasize that the core is the control exercised by an actor on the elements (White, 2008) . On the other hand, we use representations instead of interest: What affects the actor are all the changes in perceptions and beliefs about an item, and interests as such are a form of perception and belief. But the basics are the representation (is an element of that kind, has such features, if you want to accomplish such a thing is advantageous etc.).
The second distinction is between delivered / removed: For example. is not the same offer control over resources that threaten to remove control over resources. This allows better distinction before between the relations of domination (power) and negotiation (exchange). On the one hand, sometimes the distinction is made around the notion of action required: There is a relationship of power when no alternative courses of action. This has the consequence that when it is recognized that alter always have alternatives, then the power is reduced to the exchange, or as it is recognized that there are relations of power, denying the ability to alter alternative. Alter always has alternatives of action, but clearly not the same offering a new resource in a negotiation (ie give me this item for money for example) or the threat of domination (ie give me the article or if your house did not burn). In a second meaning, power and exchange refer to the existence of equality in the number of resources, then it denies that there can be exchanges between actors with different levels of resources, or tends to deny the relevance of that difference. But the difference in resources has more to do with the possibility of success in coordination with the type of coordination: One could try to dominate another, even if they have the necessary resources, and many real conflicts can be understood as a result of a claim of dominance when there is no power differential necessary.
The difference deliver / remove it very clear in regard to control over elements, but in regard to the representations on these items this difference does it make sense for cognitive and normative? Initially, in fact, the distinction did not apply to the performances (conversion and we used to refer to any change in the representations).
However, it seems that the distinction could be applied to the representations. This is because people can have positive or negative reasons in relation to possible actions: We must do X, but X is good, not to do Y because Y is bad. To get someone to perform an action I can work on two elements: I can give reasons for doing X (it's good, it should be so.) Or I can just delete objections to X (not a bad thing, it has bad consequences.) And are not the same arguments or reasons which are adduced in a situation or the other, and I can get a convincing result of a number of reasons but not others. I can eliminate these concerns to do X without having to give positive reasons for doing so: I can convince you that X is not bad not convince you that X is good. The use of these different forms may well have different consequences, and that is why we keep the difference as a form of coordination.
is important to differentiate between these definitions of the problem of coordination and cooperation. Coordination referred to herein simply reduces to how an alter ego gets to perform a desired action. Cooperation is usually understood as ego and alter can get a better result: the use of prisoner's dilemma to understand the problems of cooperation is an example of this. The solution of the problem is getting both perform an action that would produce the best collective outcome (of both choose to cooperate). Understood in this way the cooperation is a more specific than that of coordination.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Johnson And Murphy Shoes

A divertimento: An analysis of Chilean sociologists cientometrico

For these things in life, download a software that performs various indices cientométricos analysis using the base of Google Scholar. Like all things, has problems-the basis of Google Scholar is not perfect (and in fact it works better for papers for books, and works better if you quoted out of Chile in publications and conferences of 'mainstream'). But it also has virtues.

Of all the different indices, we use the h-index is relatively easy to understand. I will not use the formal definition, but an h-index of 4 indicates that you have 4 letters that have been cited 4 times or more. Also present the g-index that follows the same logic but weighs most cited texts (the number such that the top g-g2 together texts are citations).

Well, lets see what results we show for Chilean sociologists:

  • Jose Joaquin Brunner = 15 (g-index 27)
  • Norbert Lechner = 13 (g-index 27)
  • MA Garretón = 13 (g-index 20) Daniel
  • Chernilo = 8 (g-index 13)
  • Eugenio Tironi = 7 (g-index 11)
  • Florencia Torche = 7 (g-index 11)
(also calculated Mouli, Morande and other but had h-index of 5 or less)
Due to characteristics of the base, this will impact measured rather 'global' of the authors. Someone who is very controversial in Chile, but less out of Chile will appear with a lower impact. But, like all numbers, be seen as a better indicator than anything else, and not as absolute truth.

Comparative values \u200b\u200b
  • Pierre Bourdieu = 89 (g-index 295)
  • Luhmann N = 38 (g-index 98)
  • Mark Granovetter = 29 (g-index 199)

How Long Can Women Without Masterbation


Esopo El labrador y los perros
Esopo El labrador y sus hijos
Aesop Hercules and Athena
Fitzgerald, F. Scott What a beautiful couple
Fitzgerald, F. Six one
Kafka, Franz Mountain Tour
Kafka, Franz for meditation of the riders
Kafka, Franz Unhappy, Ser

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Stains On Vinyl Floor

After the Long Goodbye - (Novel in Spanish)


for those who have wet dreams to the universe Ghost in te shell, and in particular with that of Mamoru Oshii, our friend anondorf his blog has begun to translate the cyberpunk novel Masaki Yamada elapsed after Ghost in the Shell: Innocence and whose hero Batou is my favorite in search of her Basset Hound Gabriel.

For a fuller explanation of the translator himself, here

Personal Data: For Batou is that I have long hair;)

This is the first chapter and hopefully please translate the following to continue.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ugly Doll Invitations

A total madness

Sometimes you have to do terrible things, and I am one half of a dreadful course of ISO 9000 on PMG (do not understand anything, do not worry, thank your lucky not to know, suffice it to say that is horrible).
What horrible enough to keep my sanity I decided to start building (which is actually an old idea, but only now need to devote to that for non-sink) an axiomatic theory for sociology. Imagine how terrible it is that if the above was needed to maintain mental health.
Well, for now, and to show taste, postulates and propositions of the theory (everyone has their 'demo' as an informal, interesting work is to develop a demonstration elegant formal). And without any explanation or comment.
Postulates Postulate I.
  • The capacities of the actors are completely defined by being able to learn, communicate, and have preferences
  • Postulate II. All capacities of the actors are limited in their power but are limited in their application
  • Postulate III. Actor relationships with others are completely defined by its control and interest
Basic Characteristics of the Interaction
  • Proposition 0: The field of interaction grows to cover all possible agents (ie no permanent social barriers to interaction)
  • Proposition I. Every interaction creates possibilities for new interactions (ie the interest of an actor to coordinate permanent)
  • Lema I. All interaction effects and the whole effect is necessarily total unknown actors
  • Proposition II (1 st Basic Law of Interaction): The probability of successful coordination ego is proportional to the energy expended by ego and is proportional the importance of the relationship to alter
  • Proposition III (2 nd Basic Law of Interaction): In all interactions, the agreement will be differentiated and preferred over disagreement
  • Proposition IV (3 rd Basic Law of Interaction): Results of an interaction are not completely controlled by the interaction itself
  • Proposition V: The energy order (from highest to lowest) of the modalities of coordination is domination, negotiation, conversion and deconversion
  • Lema I: Mobilizing resources requires more energy to mobilize
  • beliefs
  • Lema II: The positive coordination requires more energy than negative coordination
  • Proposition VI: All coordination mode suffers a decay process into forms that require less energy
  • Proposition VII: Decrease alternatives increases the likelihood of coordination (Schelling Points)
  • Proposition VIII: Mobilizing beliefs is more expansive than
mobilize Section II. Network General
  • Proposition IX. Autonomous social actors produce networks that are not controllable by a specific social actor
  • Proposition X: An ego network is more effective in producing reserves coordination if ego modes of interaction of interest leaving the primary alternative methods using higher energy.
  • Proposition XI: The central positions in a network are more stable than bridge positions
  • Proposition XII: The sign of the history of past interactions is directly proportional to the future continuity of interaction, but the future continuity of the interaction has no effect on the sign of future interactions
  • Proposition XIII: A complex network of relationships produces cohesive groups
  • Lemma I. The difficulty of replacing alter depending on the complexity of the interaction
  • Lema II. An actor can only hold a limited number of complex relationships
  • Proposition XIV: There is no tendency to clustering simple relations
  • Lema I. There is no limit to the number of simple relationships that an actor can maintain
  • Lema II. In a simple network of relationships alter all are relatively similar to each other
  • Proposition XV. A set of actors generate a network with small world topography
  • Proposition XVI. A dynamic network is always
Section III. Organizational networks
  • Proposition XVII: Organizations are actors
  • Proposition XVIII: Organizations can only appear in high-energy social media
  • Section
IV. Basic Characteristics of Social Practices
  • Proposition XIX. The roles that make a practice known by its practitioners
  • Proposition XX. Any social practice has requirements for playback
  • Proposition XXI. There are no pure practices of domination
  • Proposition XXII. Conversion and pure practices are vulnerable
  • deconversion
  • Proposition XXIII. Pure trading practices are associated with simple networks
Section V. Construction of Social Practices
  • XXIV. (1 st Basic Law of the Social Order): The players automatically generated social practices
  • Proposition XXV (2 nd Basic Law of the Social Order): It is impossible for a social practice ensures its reproduction conditions
  • Proposition XXVI. The existence of power differentials increases the speed of the process of building practices
  • Proposition XXVII: A social practice created a closed network can be extended in an open network
  • Proposition XXVIII: An open network destabilizes the process of building practices
  • social Proposition XXIX: The development of information-interactional facilitates the construction and deconstruction of social practices
Section VI. Relations between Social Practices
  • Proposition XXX. Two or more practices may conflict while still having access to resources that allow the conflict, and conflict does not affect the reproduction of practices in conflict
  • Proposition XXXI. Contradictory practice can be maintained if other independent practices generate the resources required for the practice

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Much To Charge For Fleece Blankets

The Poverty of Sociology. Eroica

This text also comes from the intention of re-drafting and reorganization of ancient texts. In this case, a series of comments on analysis carried out during the '90s on Chilean society. At the review, I noticed an interesting topic in the development of sociology in Chile was that while during the '90s had developed a diagnostic of the society in the years '00-and make no just keep using the diagnosis above. So I thought those comments were recovered, and that making a distinction between the founders and followers might well make a critique of sociological endeavor over the past decades.

An opinion was critical because remains the same: The Chilean sociology has failed in the past 20 years to make its most basic task, which is to diagnose what is happening in Chile, and ended up using a limited diagnosis was not much that we allowed to say.

There are two essential features of sociology in the past 20 years: It uses a common diagnosis that is what happened in society, that we become a market society. This is said with rhetoric, values \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bvery different but basically that's what arises. And that is a common method to show that change-the impressionistic essay, and in particular of trials that did not argue too much. Both features are related. The assay makes use of the not discuss the themes, and stay-at last what appears obvious: the importance of the market and consumption. When we were only in the obvious, also once said obvious there was more to say. And then over the company after the 90 sociology has had nothing new to ask. Even discuss, seriously, whether or not there had been fundamental changes.

Why is it important that sociology in Chile in general do not argue and defend their positions? In the final analysis, this may seem a mere formality without much relevance in the central, that is content. Who cares if you do not argue that pose is so interesting, right?

Because no argument with what all we have is with names. The only reason to take into account what they are suggesting is simply that they say so. No arguments are reduced to the world than it looks, what one would sounds. In a world with no arguments, the statements seem correct or interesting only for the prestige of the author. Do not deny it's a comfortable intellectual world. without argument, we simply run the equivalent of an alleged conversation in coffee depth. And the text, finally, have the same gaps in these conversations: brilliantly simple and evocative phrases and intelligent. But nothing of importance behind the facade. Like any conversation of coffee, used to spend an afternoon and to pretend that one is not a brute, but as a contribution to the knowledge society is not much to serve. The strange thing is the claim that such treatises printed deserved

To write the texts that we discussed is requires some intelligence and think a few evenings. There is a really difficult task. However, the task of arguing if it is difficult. It's something that takes work and dedication. Alcabes Ultimately, argue it is repeated several times the same statement. Arguing the position is not to illustrate with an example argument does not argue that one's position is clear. To argue is to tread: connecting phrases. To be people who, presumably, work with ideas no longer something strange to skip the part that actually is working with ideas.

The central problem is that one consequence of this lack of argument, the actual research effort is that we are reduced to the obvious and common sense, the positions taken are not very interesting. The vision of Chilean society behind Cousiño theological disquisitions, and Valenzuela-for example, his discussion of the exodus, "the rhetoric of and the equivalent Moulian comments Tironi desktop is quite simple: Chile has become a society dominated by the market. Virtually all of our authors share the idea that Chile has become a society dominated by politics to one focused on the market. Much of our activities and relationships is mediated by the market, and consumption-particularly its increased consumption, has become one of the core activities of our society.

But not really find out, then not only say what seems obvious, but also just say what seems obvious that: not even researched, well, that was exactly "a market society." Argue that there are more goods in a society, more cars, more washing machines does not tell us much about the experience and practices of living in a market society, which really means to people. Asking people to borrow not allow us to understand much more if we do not know how debt is inserted in the lives of individuals, how it affects budgetary practices. This may seem trifles, but the issue is that when you look closely they show important elements that one might not have thought when he stays in the overall look and obvious . Even if we accept the general diagnosis, and accept that what happened was the establishment of a market society, we do not know what that diagnosis unless we go beyond what can be observed in general.

Ultimately, the weaknesses of sociological discourse is based on the role played. In the final analysis, sociology, in practice, is only the transposition somewhat more complex and affected in that but just simple ideas, of political discourse. Political consensus is transformed into consensus on diagnosis, and the points on which policy is discussed in turn into the points which are discussed in sociology (state and market in the end.)

In the rush to have some general understanding about the Chile of '90, sociology forgot to do their job. A stage which, by admission of the consensus standard represents major changes in society, should be an especially interesting to a sociologist. But instead of making a serious and thorough work, we stayed in what is easier: in the trial and the metaphor. And so we left the job because he just had to say

Not everyone has the opportunity to analyze a transformation as it develops. In this regard, the Chilean sociologists in recent decades failed in the basic task that had to do, to understand and study society in a process of change.

Botas De Zafiro Zafiro

Introduction to Law
Asturias, Miguel Angel Green Pope
Christie, Agatha -The Death of Lord Edgware
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heidegger, Martin Of the Essence of Truth
Hemingway, Ernest Various Tips
Pierrakos, Eva not fear evil, (The Pathwork Method of Transforming the interior)
Seng Tsan believe in the mind
Woolf, Virginia The Nurse Lugton's curtain

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Gout Nodules

Guidance for witnesses and victims of cyberstalking and cyberbullying. How to report anonymously or in person.

Cyberbullying is a social phenomenon, where the parties involved are the griefer, the victim and witnesses.
The role of witnesses
The importance of the witnesses is that their behavior will influence more than evident in the process of cyberbullying and the consequences in the short and long term that may cause the victim. The main problem
phenomenon occurs when the witnesses be manipulated by the griefer: a coward who hides behind the supposed merit of the victim of their actions, anonymity, and secrecy. These three features are used by a griefer to cover up their illegal actions and their true motives: the objective of assassinating psychologically unjustified and illegal so a person, based on their envy, inferiority complexes, lack of empathy, lack of principles, etc. Characteristics of a stalker .

A) The situation worsens if the victim witnesses and not just cover up, but rumors spread, photomontages, etc. griefer that sends them, and even cooperated with it carrying out a physical harassment, making the dirty work.

B) On the other side, the witnesses would try to ignore the griefer, and even those who support the victim, either by informing the victim of occurring, or in extreme cases, to report the facts in person, to strike the case if the judge / to see the need, to attend as witnesses.
The latter case occurs, it is uncommon, either through fear, meanness, or excessive credulity on the rumors.

On the other side of those who condemn the harassment, there is a middle , but very effective: inform the victim or report it anonymously .

Despite the apparent anonymity of the griefers because of the lengthy process of investigation, the great advantage of cyberbullying compared to any other type of bullying is that the actions of the online griefer are registered. Knowing email account, social network, or site used by the griefer for example, can now initiate an investigation, without risk of data of the witness appear somewhere.

is why I made this guide, aimed at both victims and witnesses of cyberbullying, as a solution to a problem that grows in the same way that the Internet is implanted in the society, which every user has the risk.

The following describes the information necessary to completely anonymously denounce actions without legitimate purpose by griefers.

OF SPAIN The English law (Criminal Procedure Act, sections 265 and 266) specifies that the complaint requires the assistance to the complainant or his legal representative in a court or police center, where he must prove his identity.

In Spain, you can complain to four security forces. At the national level are the Telematics Group Crimes of the Civil Guard and the Brigade of Technological Research of the National Police. A regional level are the Porters Square in Catalonia and Euskadi Ertzaintza. The web

Group Telematic Crimes Civil Guard allows citizens to provide information anonymously about crimes they see on the Internet through a form of public information. Similarly, the Brigade of Technological Research of the National Police also allows anonymous users to fill out a form, and in the case of cyberbullying, in the section "Crimes technology-> Security Logic." On the other hand, Mossos d 'Police and the Ertzaintza, provide a contact email.

can contact law enforcement through the following addresses:

· GDT of the Guardia Civil:
https: / / / webgdt / pinformar.php
· BIT National Police:
· Autonomous Police (Catalonia): serveis / Consells / InternetSegura / Contacte.html
· Ertzaintza (Basque Country):

To make this anonymous information about Internet crime can be processed correctly, data should provide the victim to know if possible the subsequent location of the complainant. Only be brought into contact with informants in case they need more data and always via email, unless the complainant indicates your personal data. Do not expect another answer, as it is a channel of information, no formal complaint.

From National Police recommend or suggest any way telephone contact with the complainant, ensuring treatment meted out to the caller and as much help as possible.

If it is about pedophilia and children can also be done through Protégeles association, which then will contact the relevant security bodies.


email services usually provide an email or contact form to report abuse.

• Windows Live:
Form to report abuse
· Yahoo: form of abuse
· Gmail: Aid Form,
· Aol: Help & Contact


Through social networks themselves can report a page, group, profile, or post anonymously. They also provide an email or contact form to report abuse.

· Facebook: Center aid,
· Tuenti: aid service,
· Myspace: Myspace Help ,


· Youtube: Cyberbullying, Youtube Security Center


anonymous Another way is to inform the Internet Service Provider. You can inform the company that has contracted Intenet user or company that is using the griefer.

* Telefonica (Movistar Internet) could be

report cyberbullying through Nemesys Service (Record of incidents in the IP network and RIMA Telefonica) . also provide information and reporting abuse. Nemesys Center.

WIKIPEDIA LINKS wiki / Legislación_sobre_el_ciberacosoógicoón_psicológica

Gay Cruise Sacramento Howe

Tips for victims of cyberstalking and cyberbullying cyberbullying

tips European

This entry I will make a collection of useful tips that can be a victim or witness of cyberstalking or cyberbullying. Also, will also be valid for any Internet user, to prevent such situations.


personal strategies to overcome bullying

  1. Identify the problem of bullying as such, trained and informed about the problem. Document and record
  2. aggression that is the subject from the beginning. Make public
  3. attacks which are in the privacy and confidentiality and communicate them to colleagues, bosses, managers, consultants, partners, friends and family.
  4. off emotionally, avoid reacting to attack.
  5. control and channel the anger and resentment (anger is the ally of the harasser): Preventing outbursts. Addressing
  6. mobbing: coping recoil makes the harasser, who is a coward in the background.
  7. Responding to the slander and destructive criticism assertively (not passive or aggressive).
  8. Protect data, documents and archives of the work and keep everything under lock and key, and suspect the manipulative skills of the bullies.
  9. Avoid social isolation: go out and meet socially the situation of harassment. Rejecting the accusation
  10. no acceptance or justification by extroyección of guilt.
  11. not try to convince or change the harasser.
  12. not fall into the inhibition: Tell other harassment. Talk about harassment, communicate, write, relate, and so on.
  13. develop employability for: increasing training and professional development. Go
  14. off work consciously or waiver before allowing you destroy a person psychologically.
  15. request from the first specialized counseling.
  16. request legal counsel to assert and defend their own rights.
  17. develop self-esteem as a vaccine against harassment.
  18. develop the healing power of humor. Allowing
  19. mourn the damage itself.
  20. Forgiving the bully as a way final release.
Source: "Mobbing: self-help manual." Piñuel inalienable and Zabala. Ed Aguilar. Madrid, 2003. Pages 251-252.

Note: This entry will be updated periodically.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Vein Wrapped Around Testile

Not everything can be sociology, indeed. Read some things about the Eroica, I happened to hear "praise to Youtube-to Furtwängler conducting this symphony. And indeed, many things could be said to criticize the interpretations of Furtwängler's Beethoven on the tempo on how faithful it is to score, "but the thing is still magnificent and versions, will be pure subjective opinion, actually expresses what the Eroica wants to express.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Watch Vietnamese Dubbed Movies

The rules of sociological analysis

Actually, this is nothing but a rehash. Originally there were organized, edited and expanded several posts on the methodology that we made in this blog in a series of posts about the rules of the method in social sciences. And once posted these, we organized, editing and enhancing the text.

With that finally produced a short article that is in Scribd and is now called The rules of sociological analysis (where, for reasons which I still do not unravel, the text is centered rather than justified but anyway, I will not make claim for a service that allows me to disseminate up free items as I please.) Now, it's ultimately a trap anyway. Obviously I will continue editing the text. Always a pleasure to write the ideas you have, the more children they are. Does

much sense? No idea. I never know whether to write texts much use to the reader, but for those who always writes utility. It's the same class: the most is the teacher always learns.

Monday, October 4, 2010

R4 Pokemon Soul Silver Cheat

The qualitative is generalizable.

Among the many common assumptions of sociological discourse (which immediately made me think you should write something about it) is the idea that qualitative techniques can not generalize. That said for those involved in the quantitative sounds attack ('saw, the quality is limited because it allows a generalization'), and said by those involved in the qualitative sounds like an excuse ('but hey, it was not ; never offered '). Now, that idea is deeply flawed.

Because if you can generalize qualitatively. To understand the above statement must first determine which means 'generalize'. Because obviously in a normal qualitative or quantitative research are not talking to claims of universal laws, we are simply saying if our results are applicable to a particular population.

Now, research is often quantitative, and automatic way, we generalize to a population even when not given the technical conditions for it: We all know that, in principle, should not generalize a quota sample, but regularly do. Therefore, if accepted in principle the same sins for which qualitative for quantitative, then well you could generalize from the qualitative.

But this is weak, and may well consider that this should only reaffirm the conviction that the only way to generalize it by his good random sample. This, of course, is nonsense. If we are to use a qualitative technique is because we are interested in meanings. And a very substantial reason why the meaning is relevant is because they are embedded in the practices of the people, and in a very basic sense, the form: practices are inseparable from the distinctions that structure. And this means that those meanings are known by the participants, otherwise practice would not work.

This has a very clear result: Participants in a practice known meanings and distinctions that make a practice. This implies that the investigation of the meanings and distinctions of these participants is generalizable to practice. Maybe a participant is not a valid reporting, but with just a few we should be able to remove biases from personal issues and acquire meanings and distinctions of the practice. But the quality is generalizable: The result holds for all those involved in the practice

And now comes the caveat for: The above argument applies to the meanings and distinctions that make a practice, say, that anyone who plays soccer goalkeeper can make the distinction / other players and what are the actions that the goalkeeper can do. Not necessarily apply to other items, such as ratings, unless these are part of the practice as such. And it requires people to be part of the practice, let alone 'trainees' of a practice (who are just starting to play chess). Be careful also with the limits of practice, football rules do not apply to foosball. But anyway, everything is always precautions, and statements can not be used beyond where they can be used.

None of that takes you to the type of information that supposedly looking for when we decide to use qualitative techniques in fact can be generalized qualitatively.

Raven Riley Kates Playground Streaming


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Tears (Alphonse Allais)


The farmer and the dogs

Faulkner, William

As I Lay Dying

Mishima Yukio

The Sea of \u200b\u200bFertility 1, Spring Snow

Mishima Yukio

The Sea of \u200b\u200bFertility 2, wild horse

Mishima Yukio

The Sea of \u200b\u200bFertility 3, The Temple of the Dawn

Mishima Yukio

The Sea fertility 4, The Corruption of an Angel

Mishima Yukio

Golden Pavilion

Rojas, Manuel



Friday, October 1, 2010

South Park Movie Comedy Central Uncensored

following describes the effects that bullying causes continued. When cyberbullying a relatively new phenomenon, have not yet done enough research to define concretely what causes cyberbullying. While it is true that the consequences it causes is equal to or worse than bullying in person, as cyberbullying can be expanded to any area of \u200b\u200bthe life of a person, not just to work (workplace harassment), school (bullying) and family (family harassment).


According Marina Parés Soliva in "Social Expertise of Mobbing" , prolonged harassment survivors develop personality changes characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder, including strains in the ability to relate.

As post-traumatic symptoms are so persistent and so varied, may be confused with personality traits of the victim. Long after you have finished harassment, many victims are still dead feeling a part of them, and some victims, the most afflicted, would like to be dead. The threat of annihilation that defines harassment can torment the survivors long after the danger has passed. Injured people feel utterly abandoned, and lonely, exiled from the human system of care and protection.

The traumatic event it means to be a victim of harassment of the environment has destroyed the belief that the individual may be "self" in relation to others.

Traumatic events destroy the normal protection systems that give people a sense of control, connection and meaning. So traumatic reactions take place when the action is useless, ie it is not possible or resist or escape, then the system of human self feel overwhelmed and disorganized. It is in these situations when the traumatic events produce profound and lasting changes in the physiological, emotional, cognitive and memory.


According Iñaki Piñuel psychologist, one of the most characteristic effects is the change in the situation of mobbing can operate on the personality of the victims. Have described three basic patterns of permanent changes in personality, as result of a bullying situation, which has the following characteristics:

* Resignation: Voluntary social isolation, the victim does not feel part of society (alienation effect, the victim shows a cynical attitude toward the world.)
* Prevalence of obsessive traits, hostility and suspicion, chronic feeling of nervousness, hypersensitivity about injustice.
* Prevalence of depressive features: feelings of helplessness, inability to enjoy and experience pleasure, anhedonia, hopelessness learned. [9]

The social effects of bullying on the victim are characterized by the emergence of attitudes distrust and behaviors of isolation, avoidance and withdrawal. These social consequences are also evident in family relationships such as feelings of misunderstanding, loss of enthusiasm and interest in joint projects and abandonment of family commitments and responsibilities, altered affect.

What constitutes harassment destructive phenomenon is the repetition of the abuse and humiliation. Stalking is a terrifying phenomenon because it is inhuman. It knows no moods, no pity. The witnesses, vulgarity, from selfishness or fear, prefer to stay out. When an asymmetric interaction and destructive of such starts between two people, all it does is amplified gradually, unless an outside person to intervene forcefully. If at any time during the harassment a person of a certain power, it reacts in a healthy way, the process stops.

For more information:ógico
· "Mobbing, How to Survive bullying at work" and Zabala Iñaki Piñuel.