Sunday, February 28, 2010
And Never Find Frogs In Your Underwear
XXI century slaves are a vast legion: 27 million people. They have three things in common: they have removed the will, they are controlled by violence, exploitative economicamente.Y not only in the countries in process of development, but dairy farms in the United States and Japan. Bales is president of Free the Slave and author of several other books on the subject, is a specialist in the fight against slavery and has spent years conducting research to understand the phenomenon and ways to combat it. This particular book is a good book, which shows that this tragedy can be overcome if everyone does their part. First are some cases of enclaves released, and analyzed the figures of the "liberators", ordinary people performing heroic work. And from the success stories, practical suggestions are brought to communities where there are enclaves working for governments and ciutadana, for the United Nations, the World Bank and World Trade Organization, for consumers and businesses. An important book on a phenomenon that we usually ignore or belonging to marginal and remote regions.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who Is Retiring At Wrestlemania 26 December

continue with the rotoscoping (which is actually a mixture of motion capture, 3D and flash) this time with a strange animated film, Vals im Bashir (Waltz with Bashir A).

Ari Folman (Director, screenwriter and star) is wanted by a friend he made during his military service in the Israeli military (back in military service are sent to kill people, fortunately this only make us street sweeping) to tell you about a war-related nightmare repeated night after night, Ari says he does not remember anything about the war but a small reminder on the beach in Beirut.

intrigued by not remembering anything, decides to enter into war with his friends and some other veterans to try and remember everything that happened in the slaughter at Sabra and Shatila to (Genocide more than a thousand of Palestinians by the Lebanese Phalange Christian militia and the government deliberately did not stop Irsaelí)

forgetting the boring
previous review, with touches of humor, visually rich, with a well-edited buenisimo Soundrack Vals im Bashir does a great job telling stories that open your eyes to what life was the almost-child soldiers who were sent to war, Involuntary crimes against innocent civilians, and from beginning to end how the slaughter was carried from the point of view of those present.

The end of the film is brutal and the we can rule out any bias, becoming invaluable.

Server: Megaupload
Format: Xvid (. Avi)
subtitles in English
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
How To Wear Collar Pins Fire
The title of the section is taken from a TV character
Mexican children's music singer who brings me fond memories
of that my childhood and which to borrow to make my
readings, text and pretexts this you travel the road of life.
dule I remember your disease that is mine today.
'll look forever between death
And forget your notes of hope and divine .
Fracmento Arturo Meza
The poet must not only write poetry but must live poetically in conjuncion.Esto eta Arturo Meza wrote there my brother Hector Canales to make the presentation of a fracmento poem OLICMACONET EPISTOLARIO OF THE ULIS in the literary supplement of the newspaper WINDOWS Guia de Zamora Michoacan, this year February 21 1982.Corria the year 1985 and released the album Arturo not going to leave without SEA and later that year I gave my dad telling more or less so, here is this album so you can see if it was true what she he said, because time was living in my house because I did not have anyone arriving here in Guadalajara and my brother offered him a room on the second floor of my home is in this room in which I am writing this hoy.Arturo in his spare time playing the flute, without imagining that it had in mind so many good songs, I do not remember how many months he lived here, was bastente quiet but restless at the same time, will fascinate you hear my dad tell his stories when my family lived in several people of the State of Jalisco, He could spend hours hearing it, I talk several times with him, but then I had other distractions and I was very kid to remember, I still keep that LPal like later albums that I edit as THE NO TITLE, THE FASTING RUINAS.EL BETWEEN 70 CENTS, THE REQUIEM, THE EL MONTE of the equinoxes, THE SUITE Koradia . And Two Rarities disc that produced a group of Leon Guanajuato Group called UNDERSUN the record was interesting, the group was of the few who were trying to Progressive Rock in Mexico, the group accompanied him in his presentations that 1987 and another rarity in LP is a compilation album of 1988 in the field of progressive if he could be so called, contains a song title is quite long which is called TROSTROPITOS THE WALTZ OF THE HOUSE OF LIQUID MIRRORS of this disc that were made about a thousand copies I have the number 260, the disc is a rarity is entitled ALEJANDRA waltzes. Arturo passes through poetry, song and also novel for Painting, album cover UNTITLED is a collective of Ali Vargas Beal, Lieto Bozz (Tingüindín musician and writer) Xavier Vargas Beal and Meza himself made in the year 1973, the album cover is Koradia SUITE itself Arturo Arturo.Analizar lyrics would be a difficult task and even titanic as roads has gone through very few authors dare to move, due to their readings and their personal concerns, in fact adaptations of poems by both famous and unknown but an interesting work here I'll show them Aguná: Jorge Luis Borges, William Blake, Pedro Damien Masson, Francois Villon, Nezahualcoyotl, Denise Levertov, Louis G. Franco, Maro Santiago Papasquiaro and that I need to mention, one of the few musicians who have dared to do, I could spend several collaborations tell you some anecdotes that I had to live with Arthur but would be boring and would recommend it Cansado.Solamente listen carefully without bias of any kind and with the mind and spirit open to understand the deep message of his lyrics, a person with a big heart and a human being throughout the extention of the word, all I need to say goodbye to these words that Arthur himself gave a concert here in Guadalajara and as the same name is definio.Mi ARTURO MEZA Citizen all worlds, not Country, but with a heart willing to give it to any of Ustedes.Un be extraordinarily and with a unique sensibility.
PD: We are climbing some ARTURO discs to be heard, try to upload as many of them and a few of the rarity that we both live and studio but if given the opportunity Original album watching a buy it because one of the few artists that do all the work. recorded, assembly, sale and are not subject to the directors of the companies is a musician and artist INDEPENDENT throughout the extention of the word.
February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Why Does Alabama Have Numbers On Their Helmets
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pdf Catalog Scrapbooking Pdf
Since unemployment have time to enjoy the streets of Morelia city I love so much (sarcasm) often one meets with those icons that make a city, world heritage, do not mention the well-known as the place where the murdered eight innocent people and made a tourist attraction for Michoacan police forces and army no, but those tiny little details that one looks to walk aimlessly through life (is life seriously has no bearing here.)

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Pokemon Mac Compatible

So has finally happened, my God, the Communists have invaded the U.S. west coast and parachute! How did they do? no fucking idea but it is time to rebel against these fascists and restore freedom to buy the brand of cereal and soda you want! Fuck Yeah!
Wolverines attack! and call themselves heroes led by Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen and Lea Thompson, our heroes 80's that left the shakes and waist jeans to kick ass red and uncle sam back what is theirs.
Server: Megaupload
Format: Xvid (. Avi)
Subtitulos in English
Part1 Part2 Part3
How To Remove Static From Blanket

Sincerely when I heard about Robot Carnival and other science-fiction film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) expect much, but I was disappointed a bit, actually the animation is very good in fact are 7 short courses different animation styles.

In particular, "Presence" which tells the story of a man living in a kind of society "steampunk" and was secretly building a robot girl to meet the lack of love that his wife will hardly professional offers. At first glance looks like a story (if not original) interesting, but as the android is shown as awake and aware of her surroundings: - "I know myself very well ... what is my purpose?" That an android made of a home purchase as philosophical consciousness in such a short time is really unbelievable.

My favorite, "Cloud" animated as ink, shows a small robot that walks against the wind and through major climatic disasters, to reach a final strange but cute. also it is my favorite, "Franken's Gears" a simple adaptation and Frankenstein, but with an ingenious final.

Though not an innovation for the genre, is visually beautiful and really worth seen, besides the lack of dialogue is offset by a soundtrack remarkable.
Download it now;)
Megaupload Format: MKV
Briggs And Stratton Governor Spring Diagram
2009, John Wiley & Sons. 177 pages-essay.
Silver is the guru of social networking guru, having himself founded a large number of them and having belonged to a venture capital firm that has invested money in hundreds of start ups. His style is aggressive, funny, and his constant references to the theater as a metaphor for the entrepreneurial world, very intriguing. Silver (again) said death of advertising as we know it, and announces that he is being replaced by which he defines recommender communities. non-professional words maximum confidence recommend products and services to other members of the community, in order to be useful. The book's thesis is that you can make money or much money to drive one or many of these communities, and illustrates 18 ways to do such as talks to sell the stock of members from manufacturers, or reports or create cards ... Visa affinity for members, or pay tips good advice with which a member has solved a problem with another member. Interesting, concrete, illuminating.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wall Clocks Large Rectangle
2010, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 328 pages-essay.
Antonia Fraser was married to a politician well known, had 6 children and had never contemplated divorce. But one night in 1975 was to greet, only to be kind, the author of The Birthday Party, whose representation had attended, and everything changed. He was Harold Pinter (also married to actress Vivien Merchant), and as the title says, do not let her go. The book is the diary of Antonia Fraser and her life with Harold Pinter until his death in 2008, when she made him the same question: Must you go? and the response this time was to be "yes." Fraser is a journalist and writer of historical biographies (including one about Marie Antoinette inspired Sofia Coppola), and a sophisticated and influential woman who was a classmate totally up to the great playwright. The two lived a really full of meetings, travel, exceptional circumstances cult drama and continuous celebrations of all possible fragments of happiness. They had a life of low very low (the cancer) and senior high (Nobel Prize), and much more in the middle. Pinter was tireless as a writer, director, actor, always had a project in hand, and political activism also emerged as an important part of your life. Moved me tremendously.