Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wiki Variance Of Property

Looking through the press each summer is common to find an identical view on the lips of many coaches, who tend to coincide in pointing to the preseason as a crucial-some even qualify as the most important, to achieve the objectives that each team has been marked to the end of the season.

seems a logical conclusion as to face the season in proper physical shape, get form a homogeneous group in which the players to come together in the style of game you want and in many cases, to life in a new city planning should be well studied as the configuration of each template. Having the whole team from day one is a significant advantage over rivals to those clubs that still signings bring headaches and are immersed in the waters of market moves summer hoping to find the last piece of the puzzle: either a coveted 'four' shooter to complete his inside game or the escort who specializes in defense work.

For the player this stage is a hard month of training after the holidays where they usually the dreaded fitness sessions take precedence over the balloon techniques. Will be six intense weeks without much more time than needed to rest, eat and sleep.

the first day of preseason is like the first day of school: if it is repeated with a partner or member of the coaching staff immediately appear complicit smiles and comments are welcomed for those players who have not shared clothing but they have become old friends after years of many battles, and performances take place more or less formal depending on the nature of each partner-including unknown players. It is time to begin to integrate foreigners into the computer, and that in some cases, the clash of cultures or the language barrier can be a difficult barrier to overcome at the beginning and there is a tendency in these players to form small clusters between them if they feel isolated.

There is also room for situations with a priceless comic tinge, such as observing the change countenance the first coach when checked, half surprised and outraged that the new American power forward of 2.10 m-the same that was to dominate the league this year, has not sat well on the plane trip and once on earth seems to exceed in the best case, the 204cm, or putting a little cruel, witness the typical slut of a partner during the first session of continuous running unsuccessfully tries to hide behind the stairs of the athletics track vomiting without being seen. A relatively common scene because there is always someone who comes to the preseason "something" old and lacking in pace kilos.

is a preparation phase in which the first friendly matches and the start of the season are perceived as the light at the end of a long tunnel full of aches, muscle overload and, hopefully, a slight mishap isolated as a sprained ankle or an uncomfortable back pain, caused by an avalanche of evidence Physical and new systems that will be vital to ensure the physical and tactical team throughout the year.

Finally, and subtracting a little drama to this 'post', it should be noted that the preseason is also the ideal time to make small hazing, organizing the first dinner of equipment and carry out occasional night excursion ( to do pineapple).


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