Friday, May 13, 2011

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Online Game

And I discovered that I am Parsonian

Without ever having studied deeply actually Parsons.

In other entries in this blog (latest: Four coordination arrangements) had developed a few ideas of my theory, that one could divide the coordination in four groups according to whether one acted on interest / representations or alternative resources, and if you gave or removed to an alternative. The idea had occurred to me reading Coleman (on issues of control and resources) and trying to find ways to distinguish clearly, and elementary level of coordination among its various modalities (thinking that many theories tend to be unanimous on this point) .

Well, here's a few months later, re-reading the old text of Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action, I find the following (when said to Parsons)

If only allows a choice between positive and negative sanctions and left open only two channels of influence, the influence on the views and obligations of another or the influence on the situation of action, are four strategies or ways to give effect to such conditioning. Parsons mode of interaction calls and puts each one in relation to one of the means (Habermas, Theory of Communicative Action, Vol 2, page 396)
Now, the terms de Parsons se pueden traducir a la idea que se me había ocurrido: positiva (agregar) o negativa (quitar), influjo opiniones o deberes (representaciones), influjo sobre situación de acción (recursos). De hecho, la crítica de Habermas -que esto olvida que no se puede aplicar el esquema de sanciones a las opiniones / deberes (la idea de sanción no aplica a las 'posturas de afirmación o de negación frente a pretensiones de validez susceptibles de crítica' (página 397)- no se aplica a la visión que había desarrollado que hablan directamente, finalmente, de afirmación o negación. En un caso das razones para que alter haga algo; en otro quitas las objeciones para que alter do something.

In short, without realizing it, had developed (and refined, I think) an argument of Parsons. In fact, the worst thing is another thing: This is an argument that Parsons in turn used to support and develop the idea of \u200b\u200bsymbolically generalized media. And we all know who has been subsequently developed these ideas further. Yes, the evil of Luhmann. Thus, inadvertently, had already begun to enter into this horrible way.


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