Sunday, May 15, 2011


Usefulness of formalization in sociology

Formal arguments are usually lateral, not always move things substantially and, in general, are more difficult to make the arguments (and statements) informal normally do in Sociología.Pero have a great advantage, which I think is crucial. Avoid this kind of thing:

During utilitarianism and criticize these approaches attempts to explain altruism, Hans Joas and Wolfgang Kobla in 'Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lectures' say the following regarding altruism in biology

The answer theses scholares That Came up in almos identical WAS structured way, in That They Believe it possible to affirm That always Aries Such altruistic Behavior Increases Where It married in the 'reproductive fitness' of the species, at least in the long term. Once again, altruism Was' Elegantly Trac genetic back to egotism. None of this is terribly persuasive '(page 105)

Now, as part of the differences is that biologists formalized the argument in a model, it is completely irrelevant if someone seems "terribly persuasive." The argument works and is well constructed (and in general, the terms are relatively well defined so it is not necessary to reproductive fitness in quotation marks), and obtain results in the conclusion. If I criticize something I have to do more than simply saying 'none of this is terribly persuasive 'need to prove that the argument does not work (ie that their premises are wrong, that the connections are not sufficiently well done) or empirically show that it is not the case (well, it happens that on such and such species ...) .

But, of course, that means real work to develop theory and not just stay in the 'I think ...'.

Is Ross Kemp Gay Is Ross Kemp Gay.......?

Methodology Paper on Paper on Independent Workers

And when, at the same time, made a presentation at the same conference on methodology (based but modify, the ideas expressed in the series about the rules of sociological analysis), also do the same. In other words, publish:

And here's the summary:

The methodology in the social sciences often operate in a vacuum, separate from the rest of the discipline. This poses a problem for the development of social sciences. The methodology should be based on the knowledge of this discipline: Forms may be useful to investigate the social, on their characteristics.

This paper proposes some rules for sociological analysis. The first is that the actions of the actors make sense for them (but this does not work for actors construct trusses). The second is that there are no actors special, and their differences have been explained. The third is that all actions have consequences. The fourth is that the relevant question is about social life, and not just what society influence.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pain On Lower Left Side During Ovulation

Having made a presentation on the status of independent workers to the Sixth Congress of Sociology, nothing more would not be posted on this blog.

Here is the address:

And here's the summary:

contemporary work describes many sometimes unstable, and characterized by 'de-structuring' of the trajectories. The construction of future projects would then be more difficult. Freelancers, more unstable, are interesting segment on this issue.

the context of independent allows us to understand the basis on which might (or not) build a future. First, have a high diversity, and this in turn implies that not all are particularly precarious. Their business culture, value their autonomy (not the enterprise) and their resentment against the instability also affects their ability thinking about the future.

This implies a relationship with the future that does not follow the supposed tonic: A family's future (not individual), with expectation of continuous work (without retirement). Their perception of the future is based on the idea that if you sort and save, something that depends on them, can get a positive future.

So independents can plan ahead: There is uncertainty about whether comply with the rule, but not with the rule as such. Perceived instability, but no structural change. Build the future (individual and family) are based on the repetition of this (social).

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Online Game

And I discovered that I am Parsonian

Without ever having studied deeply actually Parsons.

In other entries in this blog (latest: Four coordination arrangements) had developed a few ideas of my theory, that one could divide the coordination in four groups according to whether one acted on interest / representations or alternative resources, and if you gave or removed to an alternative. The idea had occurred to me reading Coleman (on issues of control and resources) and trying to find ways to distinguish clearly, and elementary level of coordination among its various modalities (thinking that many theories tend to be unanimous on this point) .

Well, here's a few months later, re-reading the old text of Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action, I find the following (when said to Parsons)

If only allows a choice between positive and negative sanctions and left open only two channels of influence, the influence on the views and obligations of another or the influence on the situation of action, are four strategies or ways to give effect to such conditioning. Parsons mode of interaction calls and puts each one in relation to one of the means (Habermas, Theory of Communicative Action, Vol 2, page 396)
Now, the terms de Parsons se pueden traducir a la idea que se me había ocurrido: positiva (agregar) o negativa (quitar), influjo opiniones o deberes (representaciones), influjo sobre situación de acción (recursos). De hecho, la crítica de Habermas -que esto olvida que no se puede aplicar el esquema de sanciones a las opiniones / deberes (la idea de sanción no aplica a las 'posturas de afirmación o de negación frente a pretensiones de validez susceptibles de crítica' (página 397)- no se aplica a la visión que había desarrollado que hablan directamente, finalmente, de afirmación o negación. En un caso das razones para que alter haga algo; en otro quitas las objeciones para que alter do something.

In short, without realizing it, had developed (and refined, I think) an argument of Parsons. In fact, the worst thing is another thing: This is an argument that Parsons in turn used to support and develop the idea of \u200b\u200bsymbolically generalized media. And we all know who has been subsequently developed these ideas further. Yes, the evil of Luhmann. Thus, inadvertently, had already begun to enter into this horrible way.

Monday, May 9, 2011

There Is A Small Wart On My Lip

RECOMMENDATION OF THE DAY: Ignacio Manuel Altamirano Zarco

El Zarco
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Some villages were controlled by Silver, a group of bandits. Yautepec in a house, a people living in fear, living Doña Antonia and her daughter, Manuela. Doña Manuela Antonia wanted to marry the village blacksmith, Nicholas, but she would not because he loved in secret to Zarco, a bandit leader in The Silver, whom I saw every night in secret and decides to escape one day. The mother the day after the escape of Manuela realizing that the guys called Pilar's friend, Manuela, and her. They help you check and then receive a letter a young Manuela admits that she eloped with the man she loved. Nicholas arrives and decides to find out what happened to the commander to ask for help, but Nicholas refuses and questions his authority and was sentenced to death, then Pilar realizes that she loved him, and is beginning to love and forget Manuela. It makes it a trial and freed of all charges. When you return to Yautepec learns that Lady Antonia was dying due to the impact of the news flight, and Pilar confesses to his love, dies after Dona Antonia. Meanwhile, in Xochimancas, Manuela and El Zarco come to the lair of The Silver and Manuela not treated with respect and begin to repent and feel an attraction to Nick. El Zarco warns him that if he still felt sad about to commit an atrocity, Manuela says that only pretended to be depressed. Then join a party with dancing and again bandits Manuela is treated with disrespect in this event receive a notice saying that Marin Sanchez was ready to capture and hang all the bandits, and prepare for battle. The war takes place in La Calavera, El Zarco is wounded by Nicholas and captured along with Manuela, are imprisoned and El Zarco is sentenced to death by order of President Benito Juárez. The day of the wedding of Pilar and Nicholas and when they return to the former home of Dona Antonia, and there are a bunch ready to shoot El Zarco where Manuela was also present. Manuela them away and witness the execution, then also dies Manuela. Search

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