Art of War, The
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu
The Art of War is a book written by a person of acute vision, not just the specific topic that is "surprising because extensive and thorough analysis," but for his understanding of human beings, both the enemy and of yourself and your reactions, the nature of reality and what- media to take action victorious by guile, knowledge and intelligence.
Its validity in today's world, transcending the mere military background, is that the pervasive wisdom of Sun Tzu on the resources to fight and win, you can apply to many aspects of life in the complex Western societies, and encourages a profound reflection on the modes of action.
Its validity in today's world, transcending the mere military background, is that the pervasive wisdom of Sun Tzu on the resources to fight and win, you can apply to many aspects of life in the complex Western societies, and encourages a profound reflection on the modes of action.
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