Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lap Top Da Hannah Montana

Denialism, de Michael Specter

Penguin Press, pages 2009-263. Test.
Specter, a science journalist, explains why irrational thinking denies the evidence, and hinders progress in many key areas such as medicine and nutrition. In particular Specter discusses the fear of vaccines so persistent even in many advanced countries and shows how this fear is not based on scientific facts, and fear of genetically modified foods, which prevents us to look objectively and seriously questioning how they can help us feed all the people who lived and live on the planet. Specter discusses the extraordinary growth in consumption of food supplements and vitamins when it has never been proven effective, the denial of the racial element when it comes to treating diseases, because it is not politically correct, when it would be much more effective to accept, and the enormous potential synthetic biology, for example, to recreate life. It is a manifesto in favor of the facts rather than ideology, and for all that science has contributed and can contribute even more in terms of progress and welfare. It's just his point of view, but very well written and argued.


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