Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cocktail Hour Before The Ceremony Jewish Wedding

Just a little self-advertisement ... EL RINCON DEL DUENDE

In downtown Morelia, near the birthplace of Morelos is an old colonial house in ruins attracted me (you could say I was excited) immediately. Where to see her picture was good, pity I could only see what a small hole in the door and allowed me a window.

Tortured by Solitude

Walled Shade Garden

Hidden Refuge

A Passage in Bronze

Is There A Game Called Fields Of Fantasy


The title of the section is taken from a Mexican TV personality of children's music singer who brings me fond memories of my childhood and those who borrow to present my lectures, texts and pretexts of this transit the way of life. LUCAN



Everyone brings the issue of whether to die where we go, some believe in reincarnation, others believe in heaven or paradise other more to go to hell and the most skeptical of anything, that when you die we become dust and we will not either to paradise or hell and not reincarnate nothing not even a vile cockroach, in any case here we share this small minificiones about heaven, hell and paradise, but with a touch of humor. Hope you enjoy and have a good time with their reading. LUCAN


Come on, come on! cried Lucifer game, trying to boost the morale of the inhabitants of hell, and have fun and stop complaining! Or is that the pass in eternal suffering just to please That arrogant?

Lidurbelia Francisco Silva Garcia and Godinez.


Dante: Goodbye sweet teacher. Virgilio
: How! What about purgatory? And Paradise?
Dante: That! Who knew Hell and has no interest in Purgatory. And with regard to Paradise, he knows that is the absence of hell.

Setting Denevi.


I was in paradise. Here, all desires are fulfilled. The place was beautiful and perfect climate. Nothing disturbed the tranquility. You could not argue with anyone or have a single woman. (I was not even allowed to cry.) I spent my days in slumber continua.Era so boring that my transfer request to hell ... and here I am again. Hector Canales


witness yet again the ignominious expulsion of another partner. Once again, the same angel encleque, trembling, senile, brandished the sword secular and full of rust, in the exquisite grove where he first human life on every planet that thinks of the people. Like the first couple, and those who have followed him through the centuries, now their beautiful bodies covered with vine leaves, and his eyes shine, at the time of expulsion, a mortally hate and primitive well of tears, of course. Is it that will never end this game? Why create paradise if its inhabitants will be continually being evicted, citing the vain pretext that they have eaten the fruit of evil? Rather it is fruit of good. If you do not eat, the Eden would be a boring place where only two seniors would live alone and covered in thick cobwebs
of tedium. If I were you (believe me), do not expel anyone. And then the bad and I would be good. (SIGNED). SATAN.

Otto-Raul Gonzalez


At death, harpists go directly to heaven where unemployment never develop.

Rene Aviles Fabila


If you asked me to speak of Paradise inventory immediately thousand stories beautiful. If you asked me to speak of Hell would simply say the truth ...

Ricardo Fuentes Zapata


In Paradise is used intermittently to the Serbs of Hell to heighten the pleasure of the blessed. From time to time, squealing, stinking flames, flashes of shadows, parades of ugliness and sorrow, all by way of contrast. In turn, Paradise pay some happiness to Hell for the damned, also in contrast, do not forget that are also suffering.

Enrique Anderson Imbert


He circled the block walking sadly. Adam
never see Paradise

Salvador Novelo Espadas

an unexpected failure

-Without hesitation I knocked on the doors of Heaven, I have been a chaste woman on Earth, my site is here.
"Wait," says St. Peter to do some routine paperwork now are very fast with the help of celestial computers in one hour you will know if the Jury of Good Works immediately determines your income or have to spend several years in purgatory for the suffering purify your soul.
-Tab 215, the jury's decision is as follows:
"Keep virtue without sacrifice has no merit, this frigid woman should spend 10 years in purgatory before transpose the gates of glory."

Maria Elena Solorzano

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things To Write Your Friends On Your Wedding Day


Thanks to the good will of the leader of The Forging of Heroes new monitor I have to use my computer, is not it beautiful?

Note, the image does not match the real model,
yet the impression made is the same


The Best Type Of Engineering


The title of the section is taken from a TV character sings Mexican
nte child
brings back fond memories of my childhood and those who borrow to publicize my
readings, texts and pretexts of this travel the road of life. LUCAN

XXV FORK walking trails, barefoot AND LOOK SAD. Lucan

usually go to my work truck, usually used to go with my mp3 player device. not to eavesdrop on people, distracted me hearing my favorite songs and the way my work was more bearable, since September 2009 will not take it with me, the apparatus has happened to a better life and economic problems have not been able to buy another For me now the way is torture both go to work as the back, as I have eavesdrop on housewives, lovers, friends, some drunk irrelevant, in my case is stressful and even annoying to have to find out about the private lives of the people in that way, it took me to remember the following text writer Joaquín Antonio Peñalosa, it was fun and exhilarating to reread this and other texts that further collaboration will go up and enjoy it like I did, this is what happens when married women get to talk to each other. WOMEN


A friend just give me a disk with the swearing that has enjoyed horrors! "Sound Effects" is one of those records very useful for theatrical groups and stations radio and television in which the director has hand how much noise you need a program. A fire, the passage of a tractor, fire engine, a bottle that is uncovered, the cry of the newborn, the phone ringing, a car crash. You see how you'll like it. This is a true pop-art. My friend told me not to Reverend sales figure has made the record.
could be other more profitable and certainly more enjoyable, informal talks Burn ladies. That they they talk in the afternoon with her friends, when the husband returns to work and the poor get the illusion of being free. Seated, at last, after a few kilometers from the toilet and the kitchen, crochet, menthol cigarettes, the pain of the four and a half, the soap opera background, a cup of coffee, enjoy your meal. This disc if it would be the most genuine and distilled pop-art.
The conversation between women usually begin with the physical. For visibilities. How nice you look. You're really answer. No days go by you. That thin are now. Tell me do you have that skin. As young as ever. Admiring style dominates, weighted, perhaps questioning. The ladies then furiously exchanging recipes for slimming and beauty. The poles of the eternal feminine. A burst loudly secrets. You do not not want to lose weight by: lito half warm water fasting, I know what you say. After opening the chapter of her husband, is the longest and moved everyone. Hence the complaints and lamentations visceral, suspenseful stories, crosses and crucifixes, and other variations with orchestral accompaniment at all. Until one of them, strong woman, given through the topic concluded philosophizing with these or similar words of resignation: "All men are equal. Then appear
children parade all those languages \u200b\u200btribes reports, the spoiled and dissolute, the intelligent and downright lazy, the few peaceful and many irritable, which are a delight to children and those who are alive Judas I am not to do with it! Come
domestic concerns, small everyday problems. The broken fridge. A leak in the ironing room. Home Builders, a tragedy. Can not a time out or a street. The brands of detergents. L a shortage of milk. The rising price of carrots. Ah, the bondage. When the subject of domestic workers, the conversation is renewed, fresh air enters the throats wave enthusiastically. Do not you want a cup of coffee? Inhibited until they talk, the timid become bold, the same stutter are expressed gallant prosody. Maids, maids, housekeepers, cooks. All absent. Nobody wants to work. And they want do not know. And those who know you call a pretty penny. And not so you lose an eye. Enter a scene
disease. Typical case of ladies talking. It seems to have to tell their troubles. Brushes that describe living conditions. Rheumatism, dizziness, thrombosis, phlebitis, aneurysms, of any disease the ladies speak as experts in the art diagnostic and prognostic handle more reserved, saying, prescribe, mitigate. Coterie of ladies medical board. Open university. Ladies Barajas
other less important sub-topics, but always in the same line of pop-art, folk art, pure folklore.
never fails that your dog spends six minutes, which tells her friends the photos we take now that went to Cancun, And the most boring of all, who spends the session by talking about herself.



Friday, March 19, 2010

Working Out During Herpres Outbreak

Metal Slug Artwork

When I envision a game machine of the pharmacy Metal Slug X. Were the only good memories that come to mind high school, all the rancor earned during those 6 horrible hours of confinement in the psychiatric hospital of primates is vented into a slaughter in session two dimensions called Metal Slug!

Metal Slug 4 Following on from the series went downhill since Playmore put their filthy hands because SNK was in bankruptcy. yet we are the top three and legendary games. A trilogy that is immortal, so colorful, bloody, funny, fun, and that may take 50 years and still be criminally funny. Metal Slug

with Grand Theft Auto are in my hall of fame of things I want to be buried when they die.

And as extra data put the link to listen to the soundtrack, Hostias! every time I hear it is me goose bumps of excitement: ')


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shoes For Swollen Feet

Managing, de Henry Mintzberg

2009, Prentice Hall-274 pages. Test.
A day in the life of 29 executives from very different backgrounds and geographies, including the head of a refugee camp and a conductor. This is how the author has carried out the observation that has led to the creation of this book that purports to represent the daily reality of the manager's job. And so we see that the manager supports frenetic pace of work with constant interruptions, which undertakes a number of very different activities and also their day to day is powerfully affected by e-mail.
Mintzberg shows that the manager's job is not a profession or a science but a vocation and practice. The style is typical of the author: iconoclastic, irreverent and to the point and a few words in bold throughout the text help to get to the essence of the ideas presented. Refreshing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Combination Calculator Teams

. Over the past
concomics in the mud of Morelia Arespon leaned on the table where my monitor, it fell and cheese won (boo) now I buy a new one (uuuu. ..) I'll post less stuff ( Do you still less? boo ....).

Greetings to all who will read:)
