Sunday, May 15, 2011


Usefulness of formalization in sociology

Formal arguments are usually lateral, not always move things substantially and, in general, are more difficult to make the arguments (and statements) informal normally do in SociologĂ­a.Pero have a great advantage, which I think is crucial. Avoid this kind of thing:

During utilitarianism and criticize these approaches attempts to explain altruism, Hans Joas and Wolfgang Kobla in 'Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lectures' say the following regarding altruism in biology

The answer theses scholares That Came up in almos identical WAS structured way, in That They Believe it possible to affirm That always Aries Such altruistic Behavior Increases Where It married in the 'reproductive fitness' of the species, at least in the long term. Once again, altruism Was' Elegantly Trac genetic back to egotism. None of this is terribly persuasive '(page 105)

Now, as part of the differences is that biologists formalized the argument in a model, it is completely irrelevant if someone seems "terribly persuasive." The argument works and is well constructed (and in general, the terms are relatively well defined so it is not necessary to reproductive fitness in quotation marks), and obtain results in the conclusion. If I criticize something I have to do more than simply saying 'none of this is terribly persuasive 'need to prove that the argument does not work (ie that their premises are wrong, that the connections are not sufficiently well done) or empirically show that it is not the case (well, it happens that on such and such species ...) .

But, of course, that means real work to develop theory and not just stay in the 'I think ...'.

Is Ross Kemp Gay Is Ross Kemp Gay.......?

Methodology Paper on Paper on Independent Workers

And when, at the same time, made a presentation at the same conference on methodology (based but modify, the ideas expressed in the series about the rules of sociological analysis), also do the same. In other words, publish:

And here's the summary:

The methodology in the social sciences often operate in a vacuum, separate from the rest of the discipline. This poses a problem for the development of social sciences. The methodology should be based on the knowledge of this discipline: Forms may be useful to investigate the social, on their characteristics.

This paper proposes some rules for sociological analysis. The first is that the actions of the actors make sense for them (but this does not work for actors construct trusses). The second is that there are no actors special, and their differences have been explained. The third is that all actions have consequences. The fourth is that the relevant question is about social life, and not just what society influence.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pain On Lower Left Side During Ovulation

Having made a presentation on the status of independent workers to the Sixth Congress of Sociology, nothing more would not be posted on this blog.

Here is the address:

And here's the summary:

contemporary work describes many sometimes unstable, and characterized by 'de-structuring' of the trajectories. The construction of future projects would then be more difficult. Freelancers, more unstable, are interesting segment on this issue.

the context of independent allows us to understand the basis on which might (or not) build a future. First, have a high diversity, and this in turn implies that not all are particularly precarious. Their business culture, value their autonomy (not the enterprise) and their resentment against the instability also affects their ability thinking about the future.

This implies a relationship with the future that does not follow the supposed tonic: A family's future (not individual), with expectation of continuous work (without retirement). Their perception of the future is based on the idea that if you sort and save, something that depends on them, can get a positive future.

So independents can plan ahead: There is uncertainty about whether comply with the rule, but not with the rule as such. Perceived instability, but no structural change. Build the future (individual and family) are based on the repetition of this (social).