Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can You Get Lead Poisoning From A Bullet

The independent income: Hope for the high income.

In a previous post on the income of independent compared with dependents, we mentioned that the comparison of the averages hide the theme of the variations. In particular, the independents were more likely to get higher income than those dependent (with the same educational level): a person of low educational level had a limit of their income as a dependent could overcome as an independent.

Now, why focus on the highest levels? (And for a general analysis of income inequality of independents, one can read the text on this link ) For a purely subjective matter: People tend to think they have greater capabilities than the average, so their hope is not so much on getting the average but you get what you obtained them 'doing well' (as they suppose they count in that group). And I have the impression that the independents can be a particularly fond of the above, you need a dose not less confidence in yourself to devote to a job that has no income insured. In this sense, the expectation that there is a greater chance of obtaining an independent high-income and no longer relevant.

In any case, what the data tell us?


CASEN 2009 data show that the difference in favor of self-employed, same educational level is even higher in the higher percentiles compared with what happened in the average. We made the comparison with the percentile 75 (ie, hope to be in the top quartile of income, 'cautious optimism'), and the percentile 95 (which represents the hope for success). In

percentile compared to 75 found that the difference between independent and salaried employees is between 70% and 80% overall. The only exception occurs at the ends of education, where the difference is 30% and well below the difference in the average. This has to do with the dispersion of earnings in these groups: The difference in medians, but continues to support the independents is even smaller (and in fact, one can see that the average income of independent education complete top 75 percentile is higher than that reveals a highly skewed distribution for this group). But if you think in the 95 percentile, or greater optimism, we find the differences are even higher, and generally are about twice the income of dependents. In fact, the 95 percentile of the independent, non-formal education is similar (actually slightly above) the 95 percentile of the employees with completed secondary education.

In other words, the idea that the mean difference still does not account for the difference in the maximum income levels that can be achieved is reinforced with this data. And this is a difference that can be even more relevant to independent.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Best Attacks

The Independent Workers Join

Many times you tend to try to freelance as a group rather precarious working conditions below the rest of the population. However, although, of course, there are many independent workers living in precarious situations, this can not be said generally affecting the segment. And not even so clear that affects far more than independent employees.

In fact, the data-at least those of the CASEN 2009 - indicate that self-employment is a form of higher earnings in exchange for insecurity

As we can see the models income workers Self-employment is somewhat lower than public employees, but clearly higher than private employees, and domestic service. The difference revenue agency employees (collectively) and independents more than 130,000 pesos.

This difference becomes even more interesting when we realize that independents tend to have lower educational levels of employees: 31% of those who have completed basic work as their own, but only 12% of those with education complete university (according to the same CASEN 2009). And we know the relationship between educational attainment and income in the country.

So what is the difference between independent and salaried income when we keep constant the level of education?


The differences are quite substantial: In general, the same educational level, regardless of the worker without employer-obtained income that is at least 50% higher than employees get. A difference also is particularly important in higher levels of education. In fact, self-employed with incomplete basic education earns an income equivalent to the employee to complete secondary education.

But even the above argument loses sight of something: The fact that conceivably, the only way to get high income for people with low education, either through self-employment (ie, it is important to observe not only the mean but also measures of dispersion). But that would be a topic for another post.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ugly Doll Invitations For Parties

About the usefulness of sociology

few days ago, reading the blog Shovel I found a letter on the usefulness of sociology (the link in the post title in any case). The text will say many things that seem to me essentially correct about what is being done in sociology. For example: 'In other words, many sociologists are more interested in the founding reformist political action programs (eg, Alain Touraine, Norbert Lechner, Thomas Moulian among others) research programs. " And to suggest that this is just fine, but things are so much better policy than sociology.

But there's something wrong I think the text
We seem to be in a time of indifference, judging by the reduced weight having sociology in public discussion. Beyond the book of Thomas Moulian has been a best-seller, that Villegas has podium in all the mass media or public opinion studies that are published everywhere, still think that discipline is very influential, the more academic research takes little account and that, After all, no one understands very well what we are, not even us. That is, despite the fact that Chile has experienced a series of economic, social, cultural and political, the sociological language (tradition - modernity, community - society functional differentiation, etc.) Does not appear much in public discussion.
Now, why the utility of sociology is measured around how to influence public discussion? It is true that this place would probably take more than we would in fact you busy for a while, and that the issue that economists now occupy it be a source of dislike for more than one. But actually I think sociology has been influenced outside the scope of public discussion (I think there is more of a public policy program that was designed by sociologists in recent years, and I know some interventions across diverse markets also have that provenance) .

In more than one way, trying to leave the 'ideological discourse' and change to a profession-work (say, not just the books that changed Tironi by consultancy), had this effect: A sociology whose utility operates in secret of society, rather than in the public square. It is possibly a bad way to be 'useful' and in particular can be very bad for sociology. In fact, I have more capacity to provide maps to the public square to develop public policies into reality. But it remains a way of being 'useful'.

Although I'm probably closer to the sense of Jean Bottero, a specialist in the ancient Middle East, which once published an article about his discipline, 'in defense of a useless science', based precisely on its usefulness. On the other hand, I have always felt comfortable with the pure desire to know more about the social world actually.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fredericks Ataxia Jack Russell Dogs

rules of the method in the Social Sciences (VII) Epilogue. The possibility of a naturalistic social science

The argument we have developed over these pages is based on the assumption that the social sciences may indeed be a science. To be more precise, the project of making a rational description and explanation of social reality is possible and valid. In other words, it is possible a naturalistic approach to the social: social life is a reality like any other, and therefore can be analyzed with an empirical, systematic, and not only try to explain and describe.
A statement like the above will be highly criticized since forgotten the essential characteristics of social life that are not feasible using the previous approach: the social life clearly not a reality as others and requires a specific approach and very different from the natural sciences [1] .
Despite this, it is important to note that there are elements of this project naturalist who themselves are part of the consensus in the social sciences. In the natural sciences involve keeping a naturalistic approach that one can describe reality without extra-natural factors, which could not be observed (or did not have impact on what can be observed): Say, can you explain the nature from nature, without using extraneous elements: the rain is not explained from the rain god. In social sciences there is a similar situation, not supernatural beings, but with 'people' supernatural explanation of the great men, whether the explanation of the birth of agriculture, the discovery of fire from the great heroes of civilizations or the explanation of social processes from the actions of specific individuals and special. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial science is that social processes can be explained from regularities in these processes, not requiring special forces. This is not to deny the importance of individual actors, but that their actions occur within a social network. This conviction is essential part of which is a naturalistic approach, and is in fact an ancient belief, prior to the development of modern social science: When Polybius trying to explain why the Roman Republic had been able to conquer all the Mediterranean, his explanation (in Book VI in its history) is based on the idea that it is in the nature of the Roman political structure that we find the explanation. Regarding the rejection of the explanation by great men and the idea that we need to focus on the social, the naturalistic project may be considered common to these disciplines.
However, beyond this, is a highly criticized project. It can be argued that a social science as indicated above is only an imitation of physics. An imitation even more inadequate as models would be based on science that sociology of science has shown does not correspond to the reality of science. It may also raise all social science project that attempts a naturalizing approach is impossible because forget the fact that social actors are reflexive and, in general, as the social sciences are part of social reality, is studying society society then no methods can be general or explanatory nature: Can not make a theory general of marriage as the concept of marriage is generated by social actors themselves, and any claims in this regard depends on the concepts of actor-Giddens is the argument for example. Moreover, one can assert that any naturalistic approach is a way to avoid a critical approach, making the status quo appears as natural and necessary. The 'naturalization of social' imply a neglect of the basic features of social life: humans construct social order through their actions.
criticism involves an approximation naturalizing imitate physics, which can not be done social science is invalid: There are many natural science disciplines that mimic the physical and therefore no longer make a naturalistic approach to phenomena. What we can not make experimental methods? There are many disciplines that are based more on observation. What we can not make a mathematical description? Biology for a long time without these tools work without ceasing to be a natural science. What we can not develop formal universal laws? The chemistry also works in the mode of creation of universal laws. None of these features defines the naturalistic approach. What defines it is simply belief that reality can be described clearly, and orderly manner, obtaining reproducible results [2] .
criticism that a naturalistic approach demands the use of general statements that forgets the reflexive character of social life is inadequate in terms of its amplitude. Moreover, the fact that the company is studying sociology society involves nothing special physics research is the subject matter, biology life life investigating. None of these things has been an obstacle to developing these sciences, do not see why it should be special in the case of sociology. The fact that it is true that what happens in society depends on the concepts of the subjects or that the actors are, finally, also on the social theorists and their theories are socially not change the situation. One can further develop an explanatory science and generalizing. Giddens's theory, so critical to this idea is full of arguments explaining and generalizing: The idea that ontological security is essential to building social order (Giddens, 1984) does not depend for its validity of knowledge of the actors or lost if the actors know it. If the actors know what would change their actions, but would use that statement as a basis it. The same goes for the idea in the theory of duality of structure whose validity is independent of the subject. Even remains valid if the subjects give it as true and use it in your life. In other words, I can build a set of valid claims for all subjects reflective as described by Giddens.
Regarding the possibility of criticism and avoid the 'naturalization of social' also looks very strong. For starters, describe a reality in a certain way does not mean evaluated in a determined, one can recall Hume there is no way to move from 'being' to 'must be'. Belief criticism need not be affected by the fact of maintaining a general knowledge naturalist. One can see that the problem is not the above but the fact that thinking about social reality as a given, something that can not be changed, avoid thinking about change as possible: If reality is so, then perhaps we can keep it a fact criticism, but we could not sue their modification. However, a naturalistic approach does not mean to raise a 'naturalization of social' or establish that the form now takes the social life is the only way possible-in fact, realize that there have been multiple ways to structure life is one of social events basic analysis of these disciplines. What I asked is that not every possible combination of features. In natural sciences the knowledge of these imposibuilidades has increased our ability to do things: Just because not everything is possible is that you can build tools for change. Similarly, one could argue that universal rules known in the social world (eg the need for ontological security) allow us to increase our capacity to generate change (knowing that if we make that change must maintain the ontological security, not otherwise work.) Knowing that not everything is possible we can improve the field as possible.
Beyond the specific criticisms that we have stated, we can show that the rules of the method we have outlined in this paper allow us to show that it is possible the project of a naturalistic social science that recognizes the specific characteristics of the social world. The rules contained, the actors have equal abilities, the actions make sense, actions have consequences, which we are interested are the frameworks that generate social interactions-are both rules that arise from specific features of the social world and that we enable you to build a science that attempts to explain the social world.

[1] The issue is not that social science does not require analysis methods and specific techniques. At the end of the day, every discipline you do, and do not use the same analytical approaches in biology than in physics (or chemistry). The issue is whether these differences warrant a radically different approach that does not equate to the use of specific tools.
[2] On the other hand, is common in social science argue that the findings of the sociology of science show that science natural, especially physics, are not as objective, rigorous or 'true', but they themselves are affected by social factors. Physics does not meet the requirements of scientific assumptions and, in essence, operates the same way that the social sciences. This is an old feature, is something to remember some reactions to the notion of Kuhn's paradigm in social sciences. The discussion that we have developed is not based on

Monday, September 20, 2010

External Hard Lump In Groin



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Monday, September 13, 2010

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