Monday, January 4, 2010

Powered Parachutes Are Gay

Vertigine della lista, de Umberto Eco

2009, Bompiani-398 pages. Test.
In November 2009, Umberto Eco, commissioned by the Louvre Museum to organize a series of meetings educated on a topic of their choice, did not hesitate for a minute that the issue had to be the lists, his old passion as a medievalist (as you know who have read The name of the rose or Baudolino). The book summarizes the research not only gathering lists which appears with the literature of all time, but also works of figurative art are also his way lists or catalogs. And so we tasted lists are finite or infinite, things, places, treasures, people, angels, devils, plants, flowers, fish, raw materials .... Among the many wonders that we join the author in an intense bond of complicity, I stay with Roland Barthes, and what you like, what you do not like. And with Prevert and masquerade banquet. Beyond words.