Thursday, September 24, 2009

Xpress Train Watch 03

After the gold rush

Two seconds, two songs and the same author: Neil Young . On Sunday, seconds before the end of the final of EuroBasket '09, came to my mind the title of one of the most popular songs of the Canadian giant: 'Heart of Gold' , written in 1972 for legendary album 'Harvest' . Three words can illustrate the way round the mood of almost any fan of the English team at the end of this strange September, lived with the nerves to the surface on the eve of the tournament and tranquility in a stunning final stage, the fruit of that style Bipolar game deployed our own in the championship.

Now, in the sweet hangover of a unique moment in our basketball, with the image of Juan Carlos Navarro joking to lift the heavy continental champions trophy still in the retina, I can not help thinking of another song by the same author: 'After the Gold Rush' , the self-titled LP released in 1970. After the Gold Rush, and cold, looking out the windows of English basketball trophies produces a pleasant sensation of vertigo. Not only the gold medal Poland, the first senior class in a EuroBasket absolute and the culmination of a unique summer who has broken the deck, surpassing any optimistic forecast with a total balance of the medal 8 (4 Gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze). In the end, global guilty of this "high" are 32 medals won in five years, holding a EuroBasket in our country, the designation as host of 2014 World and many other actions that have less notoriety media.

Each system has supporters and detractors. You can not please everyone, as it is impossible not to make mistakes, but the results should not leave room for doubt as to the actual performance of English basketball, why more than enough to feel a sense pride for a job well done. If less than a month ago we appealed to the confidence and perseverance, now long since we've caught cruising speed is a good time to stop a second, take a breath, enjoy the Americans call it 'momentum ' , and follow the same path.