Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oil Rubbed Bronze Refinish


At 68, Bobby Knight continues war. After declaring a few months ago would not rule out coaching again if given an interesting project and likely to work freely, 'The General' happened a few days for Bilbao to explain in crystal clear the keys in his opinion, make a team win games, a series of concepts, seemingly simple, that helped him win a whopping 902 games in 42 seasons in the NCAA .

may Knight is one of the coaches most controversial of all time for his fans to star in such histrionic rages with punishing players, referees and journalists, but it is undeniable that of Ohio , consciously or unconsciously, has managed to draw the portrait of an irreverent character capable of captivating the general public and the media for decades with its fickle nature, among the nobility and madness, and a strict military discipline, acquired at the Academy of West Point, where he reached the bench with just 24 years, a vast majority of their players did not hesitate to praise after passing through the University of Indiana.

In September 2000, Knight was walking through the campus of Indiana when Kent Harvey a freshman or freshman, I blurted out a "What's up Knight? "(" What's up, Knight? "), Interpreted the coach lacked respect for his position because gave him, so Harvey decided to hold the arm to explain the proper way to greet would be referring to him as Coach Knight or Mr. Knight. The student said he was attacked by Knight and the incident caused Myles Brand, president of the university and the NCAA itself, run the ultimatum of 'zero tolerance' which gave the coach days, weeks ago, demanding the resignation something that Knight flatly refused to be stopped then.

It is absurd to think that a situation like that would end the career of Knight at Indiana, having achieved three national championships and have trained there since 1971, but over time, giving prominence to the player over the coach, and repeated incidents in which he was involved, precipitated its demise at the helm of the 'Hoosiers'.

Suffice it to say that 6000 students were present at the farewell speech of Bobby Knight on campus and that the police advised Harvey to leave the city could not guarantee his safety following the spate of death threats that the young student would receive after learning of the dismissal of the legendary coach to understand its depth among the students at the school.

Knight sought refuge in the arid city of Lubbock (Texas), taking the reins of the basketball team of Texas Tech , a project in the 90 punished by the strict rules of the NCAA after detecting irregularities in the process of 'recruiting' . But in 2008, coach pleaded " tired and decided to make way for his son, junior in the coaching staff, leaving his post.

Personally, I witnessed the irresistible appeal of Knight on his followers in 1993, when my college was part of the pre-season tournament 'Maui Invitational' , held in Hawaii . She wore a few months in the U.S. and was still alien to all the paraphernalia of the prestigious NCAA tournament, which counted on the bill with the presence of universities as Indiana , Maryland, Michigan or Utah and the presence of players like Juwan Howard , Keith Van Horn , Joe Smith Sarunas Jasikevicius or , whom I had encountered in European training had played our respective teams, and chatted with me in the hotel above all that circus in which we were immersed.

The night before a dinner party was held massive opening for teams and fans posted there each university in one of the largest hotel rooms. Coaches presided at a podium with a large table and a lectern on which would give a short speech, punctuated by jokes or were really bad, or I do not even understand. I favor the former. Among all the technicians had an empty chair. Moments before the start of the opening ceremony, opened two doors to one side of the room and agreed by it a group of about six or seven people who wore bright red jerseys. In a few seconds, fans in Indiana, mostly ladies and gentlemen of middle age, rose from their chairs and began to organize a riot tremendous applause and cheers. I do not understand anything until I recognized, after the first three members of the group, the characteristic hair Knight, as a dish of eels, and a semblance of a few friends who made it clear that he had no desire to attend the banquet. No other coach this generated a similar reaction.

Although that side has always exhibited unfriendly, Knight has been able to monetize their tough image with incontestable knowledge of basketball, whether trivial occurrences in an advertisement for Volkswagen in which the shot with an old 'Beetle' to throw a chair, just as his chair-throwing parquet-prisoner of Wrath ( can see it here), or other basis as spaces NCAA analyst for ESPN chain.

With its detractors, Knight always wanted to be as clear as possible, such as made it clear in one of his famous quotes: "When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass." (Cuando mi tiempo en la tierra se haya acabado y mis actividades aquí pertenezcan al pasado, quiero ser enterrado boca abajo para que así mis críticos puedan besarme el culo).